I like this t-shirt. It is all quiet but it is still bringing the hotness. I got this one in NYC a long time ago. It was part of one of the first seasons that 2K T-shirts offered. I have forgotten who designed it. I happily bought this one. I'm obviously fond of brown and have been into pink from the get go. This brings them both.

This is it, the top of my tiny shoe pyramid. This is the pair that reignighted my love of kicks. I got these in April this year. It was love at first sight, although I didn't buy them that day. But after a couple of days of obsessing about them I pulled the trigger.
No regrets on that purchase. They are not the easiest kicks to match a t-shirt to...but it's worth the effort. I love the brown snakeskin and the pale pink. The sand colored suede is kicking it on the low. And those laces...I mean...are you kidding me: hot pink striped laces. They launch the shoes into a whole other realm.
They are part of the same "Clerk's pack" as my black Air Max 90's. Both from the shop "Size?" There is a third pair, some hot yellow and purple Air Stabs. I don't have these. I want them. I can't find them. I hope I do....soon.
this is my favorite combo thus far
well....thanks. these are my favorite shoes!
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