tidbit 1.

On the Freshness site there is a short write up about the release of the One Time Pack. I hope this is the last time I mention it. I need to get a new bee in my bonnet....this one is getting all tired.
tidbit 2 & 3.

A bit late on these kicks....but better late than never. I came across these on the vintage kicks site a while ago. I had heard about them before, but this was the first time I got to see some clear pics of them.
Graf artist + nike ÷ 24 pairs worldwide = $9000
Speaking of shockingly over priced stuff. My sis in Boston came across these killer vests. She is at her Macbook drooling all over the keyboard! That ain't cool sis...control yourself!

Superfresh vests....really hot. Remixing old and new Nike clothing to make new shit. That's all good, and everything is great....till you get to register. Word on the street is that these bad boys will set you back about $2000. A tad on the heavy side if you ask me. [link to a short blurb about the creator Dr. Romanelli]
tidbit 4.
Lastly, the Paris Auto Show brought out all the automotive hotness. Love to see pics of all the new cars and the concepts. This VW has got to be top of the hill for me. It's sporty as hell, it's lime green, it's ridin' on killer dubs and plus....it's an IROC!

ps. More links have been added. Over the next weeks I will be adding more of the hot links. Keep your eyes open!
if you are into the IROC, you gotta check this link out:
link didn't paste correctly, trying again...
Thanks for the link. truely a hot car. i want. i want!
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