Me and my girl went to do a little food shopping on Sat night. Obviously we are some party animals! Produce section represent! Bread aisle stand up! Whatever. While shopping I noticed they were selling my favorite milk. Don't get me wrong...the milk tastes just as good or bad as any other milk, but the packaging is where its at. Look for yourself:

I don’t think it is super-rare or especially new, but I still love it. Just stick a straw into it...and you are ready to enjoy. I love the fact there there are people in the world who can develop something this clever.
Sunday afternoon:
We went to go to Harajuku again this weekend. It's like 3 weekends in a row. That has to be a new record for me. The reason this time was that my girl was invited to a shoe gallery produced by Uzura. They are a friendly couple that produces handmade shoes. My girl had them do a pair for her and they turned out beautifully. We decided to check out their new designs. They were very nice...again. Check out their site. (Japanese only)
While on Omotesando, the Champs-Élysées of Tokyo if you will, I spotted this:

My eyes did not deceive me. It was a Porsche Carrera GT. First time I have seen one out in the wild. I saw one in at a car show....but that doesn’t really count. They made less than 1300, and half of those were sold in the US. Not surprisingly I crossed the street to capture more pics. Much to the chagrin of my girl. I couldn't help myself. Here are the results.

Sunday night:
After a nice day of shopping and walking around we came home to relax. While online I came across these. I had kind of forgotten about these badass kicks. I first came across them on a Japanese site, and they were not for sale. I really don't know all that much about them. They were released about a year ago, and from the research I did, they are now almost unattainable. Enjoy:

[pics source] [a bit more info]
I had a really chill day. I went out for a little bit in the early afternoon, even though it was raining. Stupid rain. Sad news for tomorrow: rain again. The weatherman was all laughing it up and said, "It's going to be raining so hard, you should bring an extra pair of socks." Thanks for the advice, jerk.
Keep your noses clean and your feet dry.
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